Wednesday, January 10

I'm Back!

Happy new year to you all! May 2007 be filled with happiness and blessings!

I have disappeared from this blog for a bit as it got crazily busy at the office, right up to the moment I left for a 2 week vacation back to Singapore. It got so busy that I actually envisioned not having time to pack for me and the kids for the vacation. It got so busy that I could not even leave my house 1 morning. A matter was being worked on intensely between me and the Japanese lawyer overnight and in the morning, so going in to the office in the morning would mean wasting precious time showering, getting ready for the office and commuting. So I was glued to my home computer as the documents bounced between us. The internet surely has changed the way we work. It has liberated us from the confines of the office but it ties us to our work!

And then the night before my very last day of work, a partner who knew of my impending vacation, said he would really like me to help him on my last day with a new matter which required reviewing 60 pages!!! I was really panicking as to how I was going to get the packing done.

Anyway, managed to throw things together (telling myself it's OK if items are missed - they can always be purchased in Singapore), went to Spore, came back, and it has been hectic since! Should end by tomorrow I hope!

Am taking time out to write this but will get back to work now as I just got a call that client failed to tell us he wants something by noon tomorrow and he still wants it by noon tomorrow!

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